Sycamore Sports Boosters Club By-Laws
Incorporated May 10, 2013
Revised August 2017
Article 1 – Name
The name of the organization is the Sycamore Sports Boosters Club (Hereinafter referred to as “The Club”).
Article II – Purpose
The Club is organized and operated exclusively for charitable purposes to benefit student-athletes in Sycamore School District #427 within the meanings of Section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, or corresponding section of any future federal tax code.
Article III – Membership Fees
Membership shall be open to any and all persons interested in supporting the purpose of The Club and who have paid annual dues as established by the Board of Directors. Dues are assessed on a fiscal year basis. The fiscal year shall be concurrent with The Club’s membership year (July 1 – June 30). No assessments other that the regular membership dues shall be levied, however, various dues levels may be set with commensurate special recognition, such as membership premiums or placement of names on banners or legacy bricks. Any change in membership dues shall be set no later than July 15th of each year. Any member who has paid dues is considered to be in good standing and is encouraged to attend meetings on a regular basis. Guests are always welcome. Only members in good standing are allowed to vote on the Board of Director’s slate each year.
Article IV – Fiscal Year
The fiscal year of The Club will be a twelve-month period beginning on July 1st and ending on
June 30th of each year
Article V – Structure
- Board of Directors
- Standing Committees
- Executive Committee
- Membership Committee
- Marketing Committee
- Finance Committee
- Concessions Committee
- MPVB Advertising Committee
- Spirit Committee
- Special Event Committees
- Taste of Black and Gold Committee
- First National Challenge Committee
- Spartan Winter Festival Committee
- For the Love of the Game Committee
- Spartan Open Committee
Article VI – Duties
Section 1. Board of Directors
- The Club shall be managed by a Board of Directors with a minimum of 5 elected Directors and a maximum of 15 elected Directors.
- Executive Committee members will serve on the Board of Directors
- The Athletic Director of Sycamore High School will automatically serve on the Board of Directors and on the Executive Board.
- The Past President will automatically serve on the Board of Directors and on the Executive Board.
- A Middle School representative identified and invited by the Executive Board will serve on the Board (e.g. coach, administrator).
- The Directors shall attend general meetings, board meetings and special meetings of The Club.
- The Directors will chair committees and will approve and support the plans and work of all committees.
- The Directors shall develop and institute procedures and policies addressing the operations of The Club.
- An absolute majority (50%+1) of Directors in attendance is required to pass a motion made during a meeting of The Club.
Section 2. Executive Committee
- The Executive Committee shall consist of the Officers of The Club whose titles and duties are as follows:
- President
- Prepare and post an agenda one (1) week prior to the next scheduled meeting.
- Preside at all meetings of The Club and of the Board of Directors.
- Be the principal officer of The Club and guide its functions.
- Serve as the liaison between The Club, high school and middle schools, the school board, the athletic director and community organizations.
- Ensure all committees have a chair and committee members to progress the committee’s responsibilities
- Vice-President
- Assist the President and act for him/her in his/her absence or by his/her direction
- Perform such duties for The Club as the President may direct.
- Oversee the nominations and election of the Board of Directors and Executive Board
- Treasurer
- Have charge and custody of all funds and securities of The Club, and be responsible for the receipt and disbursement thereof.
- Keep books and receipts according to established procedures.
- Present financial statements at each Board meeting.
- Deposit all money received in an account in the name of The Club.
- Ensure invoices in excess of $1,000.00 or more have either a co-signature on the check of an authorized Executive Committee member or written approval from an authorized Executive Committee member.
- Obtain approval for all unbudgeted expenditures in excess of $150.00.
- Submit a proposed budget in June of each year for the next fiscal year to the newly elected Executive Committee for approval.
- Prepare a budget close-out report in September for the preceding fiscal year and present to the Board of Directors.
- Secretary
- Act as custodian of the records of The Club, except for the accounts of the Treasurer.
- Conduct the official correspondence of The Club and maintain a file for all such correspondence.
- Keep records of all meetings of The Club and performs such other duties as the President may direct, including written notice of meetings.
- In the absence of the Secretary, the President shall designate a member to take the minutes of the meeting.
- Ensure minutes are posted on the website no later than ten (10) days after approval
- Ensure meeting times and location are disseminated electronically through email addresses provided by members or by posting meeting information on an official club web site at least one (1) week days in advance of all planned meetings.
- Past President
- Assist the President in assuring a smooth and orderly transition of office.
- Serve as advisor to the Officers and Directors on parliamentary procedures and on the historical affairs of The Club.
- Athletic Director
- Provide athletic team updates at monthly general booster meetings and board meetings.
- Provide schedule of home athletic events for securing concession resources.
- Serve as the school’s point of contact for all booster events to secure facilities, equipment and resources as needed.
- Communicates purchases made with booster funding to the President and Treasurer so they can be communicated to the general booster membership. Reviews school invoices for accuracy with President and Treasurer before payments are issued.
The Executive Committee shall act on procedural and business matters brought to its attention by any Member, Committee Chair or Officer. The President is the Chairperson of the Committee, which may create additional committees to those named herein as it deems necessary to fulfill the goals of The Club. All actions taken by the Executive Committee shall have the same authority as if taken by the Board of Directors. A current list of all special committees created by the Board or the Executive Committee shall be kept by the Secretary and the list shall be reviewed and renewed each June by the Executive Committee.
The Executive Committee shall act as the scholarship committee, with any member having an eligible candidate for the scholarship recused from the process for that year. The committee will meet to review and score the applications based on the established rubric.
Section 3. Membership Committee
- Review current membership levels each May to make recommendations for changes if needed in June to the newly elected Board of Directors.
- Distribute new membership form each July, monitor memberships and develop communication strategies as needed to increase membership
- Facilitate membership recruitment through middle school and high school orientation and community events. Develop and maintain materials to promote benefits of booster membership.
Section 4. Marketing Committee
- Facilitate marketing of The Club through social media, print media and other means to bring The Club positive exposure and promote membership and fundraising.
- Maintain The Club’s website to include the event information, meeting minutes, current membership lists and current committee lists.
Section 5. Finance Committee
- Shall meet at least once each year to review current condition and provide input on budgetary matters, fiscal policies, and financial stability.
- Establish minimum reserve amounts for the Club.
- Work in conjunction with the Treasurer, as needed, in preparation of budgets and other club fiscal and administrative matters.
- Advise on the appropriate procedures to handle cash at Club events.
Section 6. Concessions Committee:
- Oversee the creation of the Concessions Manager and Assistant Manager job descriptions and pay rate and review each year with executive committee. Post positions each June and select individuals to serve in the positions starting in July.
- Provide feedback after each sports season (Fall, Winter, Spring) to the Concessions Manager and Assistant Manager.
- Ensure that Managers develop and maintain written procedures for concession tasks and duties expected of volunteers.
- Work with the Managers to develop a volunteer coordinator process in conjunction with input from the Athletic Director.
- Oversee procurement of inventory for concession.
- Work in conjunction with the Treasurer to ensure fiscal accountability of purchases and reimbursements for concession inventory.
Section 7. MPVB Advertising Committee
- Oversee the advertising commitment agreements for the Multi-Purpose Video Boards to include maintaining a list of advertisers and payments received. Work with treasurer to issue yearly invoices for advertising agreements.
- Seek out and secure additional advertising commitments as needed to support the Multi-Purpose Video Boards.
- Review the content of the advertising in partnership with the Sycamore High School Athletic Director.
Section 8. Spirit Committee
- At the direction of the Board of Directors, coordinate spirit items to promote comradery and support for our athletic teams.
- Monitor inventory and make purchasing decisions within the parameters of the assigned budget.
Section 9. Special Event Committees
- At the direction of the Board of Directors, coordinate any approved event.
- Present updates on upcoming events to include, but not limited to, estimated costs, projected revenues, and a general operational plan for the event.
- Submit to Treasurer all approved expenditures with original receipts
- Provide an event summary at a Board of Directors meeting following the event.
Section 10. Terms of Office
- The four elected officer positions will serve a minimum of two years beginning on July 1st and ending on June 30th of the next year to ensure continuity of leadership for The Club.
- The President and Vice President shall serve a two year terms beginning in odd numbered years, starting with the 2017-2018 fiscal year. The Treasurer and Secretary shall serve two year terms beginning in even numbered years, starting with the 2018-2019 fiscal year. This will ensure no more than two officers are new in any given year.
- While not automatic, it is presumed that the Vice President will move into the President’s role after the initial two year term for continuity of leadership.
- The board of directors will serve one year positions.
- Officers and directors are eligible to serve successive terms.
Section 11. Vacancies:
- In the event of a vacancy of the President, the Vice-President shall serve the remainder of the term as acting President.
- Vacancies in all other offices shall be filled by appointment made by the remaining officers. The new appointee shall serve until the vacant term expires and shall be made from the board of directors first and then from ranks of members in good standing of The Club. Any vacancy in the Board of Directors shall be filled by the Executive Committee from ranks of members in good standing of The Club.
Section 12. Resignation:
- An Officer or Director may resign by written notice to The Club.
- The resignation is effective upon receipt by The Club secretary or a subsequent time as set forth in the notice of resignation.
- Elections
Section I. Nominations
- In March, during the general meeting, nominations will be taken for the Board of Directors by the Vice President as the officer in charge of the election process. In addition, two weeks ahead of the March meeting the Vice President will coordinate a communication to the entire membership base, alerting them to the nomination process and opening up nominations in advance via email to the Vice President.
- As executive committee terms are two years in length, those board member positions will be automatically assigned to the board.
- Qualification of nominees:
- Must be a member in good standing
- Must have attended at least 2 general meetings in the current fiscal year
Section 2. Board Elections
- The election of the Board of Directors will be held in April. The general membership will vote on the entire slate of nominees if 15 nominees or less are presented. If more than 15 board nominees are presented the Vice President will coordinate a paper ballet vote and all members in good standing will vote for 15 board members for the final slate.
- Members must be in good standing and present at the election meeting to vote for the Board of Directors.
- Proxy votes are not allowed.
Section 3. Election of Officers
- The President, Vice-President, Treasurer, and Secretary will be elected in May by the newly elected Board of Directors.
- It is preferred that a nominee for the Executive board should serve at least 1 year on the general board prior to serving on the Executive board
- The new executive board will begin their term on July 1st.
- Amendments and Rules
The Club shall be administered and regulated by these by-laws. These by-laws may be amended by a majority vote of the Board of Directors. The Executive Committee shall review these by-laws every two years or as deemed necessary by said Committee. Robert Rules of Order shall govern the conduct of the meeting. The meetings shall focus on Club related activities, not athletic policies, coaching decisions, or other non-Club related items.
- Dissolution
Upon dissolution or liquidation of the corporation, the remaining assets, after paying or making provisions for the payment of all of the liabilities of The Club (except any assets help upon condition requiring return, transfer or other conveyance in the event of dissolution, which assets shall be returned, transferred or conveyed in accordance with such requirements), shall be conveyed to the Sycamore High School athletic department or another qualified tax-exempt organization or organizations organized and operated exclusively for charitable, educational, or literary purposes described in Section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (or corresponding provision of any further United States internal revenue law), as the Board of Directors shall determine. Any assets not so disposed of shall be disposed of by the court of the general jurisdiction of the county in which the principal office of the corporation is then located, exclusively for the purposes of the corporation in such manner, or to such tax-exempt organization or organizations described in Section 501(c) (3) of the Code, as said court shall determine.
Approved on August, 2017